Helen Tickle
Board Member
Helen Tickle has lived and worked in both rural and metropolitan areas and has a background in agriculture, education and small business.
Helen taught in the Tourism and Hospitality Division in several TAFENSW colleges, including East Sydney, Cowra, Gunnedah and Tamworth, where she was Head Teacher for many years prior to returning to the private sector.
During her TAFE career, Helen spent two years in Sydney Head Office, in management roles in the Tourism, Hospitality and Human Resource Divisions of TAFE.
Helen has had a long involvement with many business and community organisations including President of the Tamworth Business Chamber; President and founding executive member of Business and Professional Women’s Association, President and committee member of many community organisations. She has served on regional, state and national committees.
Helen is currently serving her 16th year as a Councillor, Tamworth Regional council, including a term as Deputy Mayor.
Helen maintains close involvement with the Tourism and Hospitality Industry and combines her community, professional, business and life experiences to achieve the best possible outcomes for rural and regional businesses and communities.